5V Data

The starting point for your use case or data journey is usually your company’s internal data. Leveraging that data with external sources often provides significiant additional value. Typically used external data sources include data about your customers or future customers, data about your geography, domain information about your market and your competitors. 

Several use cases we deliver to customers like analytically determining new retail site locations are not possible without such external data assets. Assembling and updating those is time consuming to start with, costly to maintain and often legally difficult. That is why we are offering carefully assembled and clean data assets ready to be used in your project.

5V Data – Customer Value:

  1. No Legal Grey Zone. We guarantee that all our data is 100% suited for commercial use. You simply focus on your use case.
  2. Know What You Buy. We offer full transparency of our data processing and provide uncomplicated sample data for testing.
  3. Quality & Reliability. We ensure promt regular delivery of cleansed, up-to-date and tested data in a standardized format.
  4. Maintenance On Us. Any technical maintenance that is required as underlying data sources might change is our risk.
  5. Security & Performance. We ensure the right cloud-based security of our data store and around the delivery process. 
  6. Easy. Visit our cloud store. Download sample data in Excel or CSV. See the prices, update frequencies and delivery methods.

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