5V Insight

There are many obstacles to implementing a data-driven decision-making culture. Some ‘hard’ factors are of technical nature – you need to be able to build robust data and Machine Learning pipelines that can be easily maintained. For those technical challenges we developed 5V Fiber.

However, there is also the people side adding ‘soft’ success factors which determine how reports are being accepted and used. Getting them right is just as important as getting the data right as they will drive user acceptance. The key aspects in this context are trust, design and easy-of-use. 5V Insight has been developed around those.

Technically, 5V Insight is a web-portal embedding Tableau or Qlik reports. The portal in functionality and design is adapted and customized to your company or department. 

Here is how and why 5V Insight will help you implementing a data-driven culture:

  1. Everything in one place. 5V Insight puts all visual reports and use cases in one place. By embedding Tableau or Qlik reports in the portal users will have a single URL to reach all their visualizations.
  2. Visual Quality. Users prefer a common navigation and look-and-feel across reports. The use of design guidelines across reports ensures that and acts as a frontend quality measure.
  3. Better User Experience. Features like personalization, easy printing, KPI value notifications and data export functionality simplify usage and make a big difference when working with the reports. 
  4. Transparency. We are tracking how often each visual content is looked at and by how many unique users. This allows to better direct development busget and activities. 
  5. Performance & Flexibility. Highly responsive site, modular build in JavaScript. Adding new features is easy.
  6. Easy Maintenance. Structure and all design elements are fully customizable via an admin environment. New users can be added and new reports can be linked without writing a single line of code.
  7. Communication. Using a single entry-point for all reports helps to update users in case of data-related issues, recent changes or newly added reports. This strengthens user trust and will lead to higher acceptance ratios.
  8. The “Wow”-Effect. The common reaction we get from users is that 5V Insight looks and feels so much better than what they were using before. Colleagues actively present the tool to each other which boosts user acceptance.

Book an appointment below and convince yourself during a free demo of 5V Insight. Additional reads